ACE Animation Special: now call for applications


A workshop for experienced live action producers developing their first animation project or producers with animation experience looking to internationalise their network

ACE Producers is pleased to launch the call for applications for the third edition of the ACE Animation Special (30 May – 4 June 2022), supported by Creative Europe MEDIA.

The workshop is for experienced producers that plan to diversify their activities to include animation production – primarily ACE Network members but also other producers/production companies with a similar intention and experience. Participants may also be already familiar with animation but looking to internationalise their network and knowledge.

16-18 producers will be selected for the workshop, with a long form/feature length/series animation project at concept stage.

How to apply

For more information or to request an application form, please contact Specials Manager, Al Williams at

Deadline: 24 February 2022 (Up to 18 spaces available).

Focusing primarily on the creative and financial aspects of feature and longform animation production, the ACE Animation Special will offer sessions on animatic story development, international production workflows, the creative dynamics of animation production, financing strategies and international distribution.
